101 Reykjavík

On the Green Map:

Health Care

Health care institutes and emergency facilities for acute cases, i.e. poisoning, allergies and other open medical clinics.

Green Enterprise

Enterprises that are fully certified by the Nordic Swan.

Certifications. Labels and Awards:

The Swan

The Swan is the official Nordic Ecolabel, introduced by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Nordic Ecolabelling has the comission to promote a more sustainable consumerism with the goal of creating a sustainable society.
This is done by a voluntary license system where the applicant agrees to follow a certain criteria set outlined by the Nordic Ecolabelling in cooperation with stakeholders. These criteria include environmental, quality and health arguments. The criteria levels promote products and services belonging to the most environmentally sound and take into account factors such as free trade and proportionality (cost vs. benefits).
The Nordic Ecolabel now covers 70 different product groups, for which it is felt that ecolabelling is needed and will be beneficial. These days, everything from washing-up liquid to furniture and hotels can carry the Swan label.

Kuðungurinn - The Shell

Kuðungurinn (The Shell) is the most respected Environment Prize in Iceland presented yearly by the Icelandic Ministry for the Environment to one leading company or institution which environmental contribution to society is considered from most importance in given year.

