Vottað lífrænt: Tún, haglendi og sauðfé
Vörumerki: Brekkulækur
Vörur: Lambakjöt

Framleiðsla: Lífrænt lambakjöt sem hægt er að panta beint frá býlinu. Kjötið er síðan sent frosið beint með Landflutningum til viðskiptavina.

531 Hvammstangi


On the Green Map:

Certified Organic

Organic standards promote soil fertility, crop rotation, use of organic fertilisers, biological diversity and animal welfare. Products may only be marketed with reference to organic methods upon verification accredited third-party certification.

Local Food

Food is grown locally and processed locally. If processed it is either sold locally or domestically. Not neccesarily organic.

Certifications. Labels and Awards:

Organic certification - Tún

The organic certification agency Tún manages the surveillance on organic produce in Iceland. Organic agriculture requires that its’ production is grown without the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers in accordance to the European Union’s regulations on organic agriculture. It is illegal within the European Union to label any produce organic unless it fulfills the standards of the Union’s regulations. The certificate does not include the environmental impact of the product itself or its packaging.
