Hótel Hekla fyrirtæki
On the Green Map:
Local Food
Food is grown locally and processed locally. If processed it is either sold locally or domestically. Not neccesarily organic.
Eco Tourism
Tourism company or institute that has received an environmental prize, operates as a Green hostel, has achieved the environmental standard of Vakinn, or has internationally approved environmental certification such as the Earth Check or the Nordic Swan.
Certifications. Labels and Awards:
South Iceland - Local traditions
The Food Cluster of South Iceland and The Westman Islands aim is to preserve and promote the local food traditions in accordance with the international ´slow food´ ideology. By using local primary products we strengthen the food production as well as contributing to the stabilization of the food security in Iceland. It also shortens the transportation routes , decreases pollution and cuts transportation costs.The Food Cluster of South Iceland has not been active for several years.