Garður I fyrirtæki
Til sölu/þjónusta: Reyktur Mývatnssilungur. Handverk.
Tökum á móti: Hópum og einstaklingum.
Opnunartími árs: Allt árið. Mest framboð af silungi seinnipart sumars og að hausti.
Aðstaða: Salerni.
Annað: Taka fisk í reykingu. Fjölbreytt þjónusta og afþreying í Mývatnssveit og nágrenni allt árið.
Garður 1
On the Green Map:
Certifications. Labels and Awards:
Straight from the farm
Straight from the farm is a project that deals with enabling farmers to sell their own produce straight from the farm. The aim of the project was to develop a mark and supply farmers with the neccesary information to take the first steps to direct-sale of their products. Also to inform the general public and the farmers through the projects website. The founders of the project were; Hólar University College, Living Agriculture, Farmers Travel Services, The Agricultural University of Iceland, The Farmers Association of Iceland and Innovation Centre Iceland.
The organisation ´Straight from the farm - Association of local producers' (Beint frá býli - félag heimavinnsluaðila) was foundet early in the year 2008.