Hoffell 2B
781 Höfn í Hornafirði


On the Green Map:

Natural Bathing Pool

Natural bathing pools are natural pools mostly made by nature without human interference. Please notice that some pools are not open for the public. Take care when using the natural pools and always check the temperature before bathing.

Local Business

Innovative local businesses that use natural resources and eco-friendly/self-sustaining methods of production.

Certifications. Labels and Awards:

The Vatnajökull Region WOW!

Vatnajökull Region ltd. is a cluster of Southeast Iceland tourism, food and culture companies. The purpose of the cluster is that of marketing the region, with emphasis on winter,  developing products and building and improving infrastructure and encouraging cooperation and unity within the cluster. Objectives are to increase efficiency in the tourist industry in Southeast Iceland and to market the local food and tourist industry under a single trademark that of; The Vatnajökull Region WOW!.
