Skaftholt sjálfseignarstofnun fyrirtæki
Vottað lífrænt: Trjárækt, korn, kartöflur, grænmeti, egg, kryddjurtir, nautgripir, sauðfé, ostagerð og pökkun
Vörumerki: Skaftholt
Vörur: Grænmeti, trjáplöntur - birki, kartöfluútsæði, mjólk og ostur
Að Skaftholti í Gnúpverjahreppi hefur verið stundaður lífrænn og lífefldur (bio-dynamic) búskapur undir stjórn Guðfinns Jakobssonar í 30 ár. Þar hefur ennfremur verið unnið mikið og merkilegt meðferðarstarf en um 20-25 heimilismenn eru að jafnaði búsettir í Skaftholti þar sem þeir búa og vinna í nánum tengslum við náttúruna. Skaftholt er sjálfum sér nægt með búsafurðir allar. Í kúabúi Skaftholts, þar sem mjólkin er gerilsneydd á staðnum, er einnig rekin ostagerð. Í Skaftholti er ræktað fjölbreytt úrval grænmetis. Einnig er framleiitt nautakjöt og kindakjöt í Skafholti. Öll framleiðslan er vottuð lífræn frá Vottunarstofunni Túni.
On the Green Map:
Certified Organic
Organic standards promote soil fertility, crop rotation, use of organic fertilisers, biological diversity and animal welfare. Products may only be marketed with reference to organic methods upon verification accredited third-party certification.
Certifications. Labels and Awards:
Straight from the farm
Straight from the farm is a project that deals with enabling farmers to sell their own produce straight from the farm. The aim of the project was to develop a mark and supply farmers with the neccesary information to take the first steps to direct-sale of their products. Also to inform the general public and the farmers through the projects website. The founders of the project were; Hólar University College, Living Agriculture, Farmers Travel Services, The Agricultural University of Iceland, The Farmers Association of Iceland and Innovation Centre Iceland.
The organisation ´Straight from the farm - Association of local producers' (Beint frá býli - félag heimavinnsluaðila) was foundet early in the year 2008.
Organic certification - Tún
The organic certification agency Tún manages the surveillance on organic produce in Iceland. Organic agriculture requires that its’ production is grown without the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers in accordance to the European Union’s regulations on organic agriculture. It is illegal within the European Union to label any produce organic unless it fulfills the standards of the Union’s regulations. The certificate does not include the environmental impact of the product itself or its packaging.