Samvinna hefur verið á milli Land- og Ferðamálafræðistofu Náttúruvísindasvið Háskóla Íslands og Náttú um gerð Græns Íslandskorts/Green Map Iceland en Háskóli Íslands hefur allt frá árinu 2008 veitt faglega ráðgjöf auk þess að veita fjármunum til verkefnisins.

Sæmundargata 2
101 Reykjavík

On the Green Map:

Environmental Education

Can range from intensive programs within the regular school system or university, to places offering one-time environmental workshops and lectures to the public.

Green School

Schools that practice Waldorf education and emphasise on outdoor- and environmental education. Also, schools registered as Eco-Schools, some who have been awarded the Green Flag.

Scientific Research Site

Scientific research centres such as universities, institutions or private initiatives doing research on nature and the environment.
