Iceland to verify own responsibility in fishing
Several parties in the Icelandic Fishing Industry have joined forces to establish their own (eco)label for responsible fishing. The team is manned by dr. Kristján Þórarinsson from LÍÚ [Icelandic Fisheries Association] and vice president of Fiskifélag Íslands [ Icelandic Fishsociety] is president for the the group, Guðbergur Rúnarsson from Samtök fiskvinnslustöðva [Fish factories Union], Rúnar Þór Stefánsson from HB Grandi [Iceland's largest fishing company], Gunnar Tómassonfrom Þorbjön hf. [a large fishing company], Örn Pálsson from Landssamband smábátaeigenda [National Association of Small Boat Owners] and Steinar Ingi Matthíasson from the Minstry of Fishing and Agriculture. It is noted that no one from environmental institutions or conservation societies is represented in the group.
LÍÚ [The Federation of Icelandic Fishing Vessel Owners] has rejected the MSC - Marine Stewardship Council label as being too closely related to nature conservation socities as the WWF World Wildlife Fund and does not accept it's widespread respect and acceptance in Europe and other markets.
The new label will be announced at the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition on October 3rd 2008. To begin with the label will not be any kind of certification but rather just a sticker. but it is intended to get certification according to The FAO guidelines for the ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries but at this time it is not clear who or which institution will perform this certification. It is however clear that it will be expensive and difficult to present a new label with this backround on the European market.
Einar Bergmundur „Ábyrgar fiskveiðar Íslendinga“, Náttú Sept. 24, 2008 URL: [Skoðað:Dec. 9, 2024]Efni má nota eða vitna í samkvæmt almennum venjum sé heimilda getið með slóð eða fullri tilvitnun hér að ofan.
breytt: Sept. 26, 2008