views it as a duty towards the Icelandic community to maintain and develop “Green Pages™” with the highest standards of quality. The Green Pages™* provide detailed information on the companies and institutions connected to the environment in one way or the other. The Green Pages link guidelines and labels to the companies and products, and that way provides consumer with the opportunity to make informed decisions when deciding where to shop. The Green Pages play an important role in Nature's goals:

  • To develop technical solutions regarding a community network that is able to link together factors that otherwise would only relate in an insubstantial or indirect way.
  • To promote Icelandic nature and its natural products on an international venue.
  • To promote related industry and employment around the country on every level.
  • To promote among the general public a more environmentally conscientious way of life.

The Green Pages provide information on NGO's, companies and institutions that either comply i.e. the following conditions or operate in the following fields:

  • Meet the standards of various third party environment certificates for their production or operation.
  • Are the sellers of certified products.
  • Have an official environmental policy.
  • Use green bookkeeping.
  • NGO's/Institutions that hold surveillance and/or estimation authority.
  • Are in the process of being granted certificates.
  • Sell environmentally certified products.
  • Provide services related to nature and/or the environment.
  • Operate a sustainable operation.
  • Are the producers/importers of natural and/or health products.

Primary registration on the Green Pages is free of charge. Additional information to the registration can be added for a modest fee (see below). Eco-Certificates and other additional information are required to be based on the demands and conditions of certifying institutions and must be indisputable. reserves the right to inquire on the legitimacy of any information within a registration.

The Green Pages contain 4601 listings (as of March 2014). To inquire if your company is already listed on the Green Pages, or to see whether or not companies you believe should be there, are there, simply type the name in the Search window.

On registering:

1. step - Start

Individuals can register for an a account with verified E-mail or by the use of an Facebook or Google account. The person then choose relatated entity (company that she/him is responsible for or administrates). If entity is already registered, name and address will appear.
Primary registration is free of charge. If entity that you think should be on the Green Pages but isn't, then apply for registration here.

2. step - Registration

Here you information on entitie's contact info. If contact info has already been submitted, meaning entity is already registered, name and address will appear. It is possible to change and add on to the contact info. Labels and certifications of entity appear here.

3. step - Logo - Brand

Here you can submit your logo or brand. A photo can also used if entity doesn't have a logo.

4. step - Text

Here you can enter detailed information on the nature of the operation of business, service provided and focus of activity and display up to 800 charactes with spaces in each language.
Entry should be factual and free of exaggerated statements.

Should entered information contain exaggerated statements or even greenwashing then ....áskilur ..the right to make comments or wish for textchanges to be made.

5. step - Images

Here you can submit photos. Up to 6 photos in a carousel, scale, cut and add title. ...

6. step - Confirm

Here you confirm the registration, payee and payment period. Here you can also send us notes of complaints, suggestions or other messages. A verification of entered data then follows. Entity is categorized with tags to appear in the appropriate categories on the Green Pages and Green Map according to the information entered in the registration. 

Go to registration site (á grænan flöt)

Note that registration on the Green Pages is the gateway to appearing on the Green Map and the Green Map App.

Send any questions or suggestions to or call the number +354 483 1500.

The trademark Green Pages™ is owned by Nature is Ltd.

Nature's Green Pages icon: Guðrún Tryggvadóttir and Signý Kolbeinsdóttir ©

Sept. 26, 2014
Guðrún Arndís Tryggvadóttir „ Grænar síður Náttúrunnar“, Náttú Sept. 26, 2014 URL: [Skoðað:Oct. 14, 2024]
Efni má nota eða vitna í samkvæmt almennum venjum sé heimilda getið með slóð eða fullri tilvitnun hér að ofan.
skrifað: April 28, 2007
breytt: Aug. 5, 2015
