The City of Reykjavík - supports
In the summer of 2009, entered an idea-competiton for new tourism-services in the city af Reykjavík. suggested that the City of Reykjavík would help finance the development of a Green Map Reykjavík and would link the online Green Map Reykjavík on from it's Reykjavík's websites. Green Map Reykjavík was one of seven projects winning a prize in the competition which enabled us to map green solutions in the city. The first link to Green Map Reykjavík is to be found on meant to encourage tourists in Reykjavík to make use of green solutions during their visit. The city of Reykjavik supported the Green Map project as we released the printed version of the Green Map of Reykjavík in 2010 and 2011. has developed Green Map Reykjavík in collaboration with Green Map System® and the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences of the University of Iceland.
The City of Reykjavík supports the current development of the Green Map of Iceland as an application for smartphones. greatly appreciates this support!
Guðrún Arndís Tryggvadóttir „Reykjavíkurborg - styrkir Náttúruna“, Náttú March 20, 2012 URL: [Skoðað:Sept. 11, 2024]Efni má nota eða vitna í samkvæmt almennum venjum sé heimilda getið með slóð eða fullri tilvitnun hér að ofan.
skrifað: Aug. 31, 2009
breytt: May 9, 2014