Reykjavík Culture Nicht 2012
Culture Night will be celebrated in tha capital on Saturday August 18Both young and old participate in the many and varied cultural events in and around the city. Each year throughout the long, bright, sunlit night, the capital comes alive and buzzes with excitement well into the early hours.
There are outdoor concerts, performances, fireworks and fairs, while bars, restaurants, shops and galleries stay open late to cater for the large crowds that flock to the city for these special celebrations. Since the late 1990s the Reykjavík Marathon has also been run on the same day, bringing sport and culture together in one big celebration.
See Cultere's Night schedule in English.
See allt cultural sites in Reykjavík here on the Green Map of Reykjavík.
Guðrún Arndís Tryggvadóttir „Gakktu í bæinn á Menningarnótt 2012“, Náttú Aug. 16, 2012 URL: [Skoðað:Feb. 14, 2025]Efni má nota eða vitna í samkvæmt almennum venjum sé heimilda getið með slóð eða fullri tilvitnun hér að ofan.