A brand new Green Map of Iceland developed and produced by Nature.is will be presented for the first time at Vísindavaka Rannís (Researchers' Night of Rannís) at Háskólabíó on Friday September 27th from 17:00 - 22:00.

The Green Map IS will be presented as the contribution of Geography and Tourism studies department at the University of Iceland under the title Grænt Ísland - forsenda ferðaþjónustu (Green Iceland - a must for tourism services).

We will distribute our new Green map to the guests and present the new web- and app version.

Why Green Map?
The map is a fun and practical answer to the most important task of today: How to achieve balance between our modern life-style and nature.
The Green Map helps you to explore Iceland with the knowledge at hand to make more responsible choices.
It shows you the gems of nature, inspires to positive actions and leads you to green opportunities all over the country.
Love Iceland and the whole world with your Green Map®IS!

We want to thank all supporting the publication of the Green map which made it possible for us to distribute the map free of charge.

Sept. 27, 2013
Guðrún Arndís Tryggvadóttir „Grænt kort yfir Ísland frumsýnt á Vísindavöku“, Náttúran.is: Sept. 27, 2013 URL: http://www.nature.is/d/2013/09/25/graent-kort-yfir-island-frumsynt-visindavoku/ [Skoðað:Oct. 11, 2024]
Efni má nota eða vitna í samkvæmt almennum venjum sé heimilda getið með slóð eða fullri tilvitnun hér að ofan.
skrifað: Sept. 25, 2013
breytt: Sept. 27, 2013
