Spring heralds a suitable time for gathering herbs for teas and extracts. In the summer they can be used in oils, tinctures, creams, aromatic soaps, herbal cushions and eye pads. One can also simply leave the beautiful herbs untouched and photograph or draw them after jotting down where they are. They can be a subject for one’s poetry or inspire us to meditate on them while asking them to reveal their secret relationship to nature and the universe. One can also simply water, feed and sing to one’s herbs.

April 19, 2010
Hildur Hákonardóttir „Jurtatínsla“, Náttúran.is: April 19, 2010 URL: http://www.nature.is/d/2008/05/28/jurtatinsla/ [Skoðað:Sept. 16, 2024]
Efni má nota eða vitna í samkvæmt almennum venjum sé heimilda getið með slóð eða fullri tilvitnun hér að ofan.
skrifað: May 28, 2008
breytt: May 20, 2014
